Statistical Trickery
Crystal Wright from Conservative Black Chick .com Uses Statistical Trickery in order to play to false stereotypes and fears many Americans have of Black people. I will refute and expose the tactics so if you all encounter this you will know how to handle it. But first lets talk about Black conservatives who intentionally do this against their own race for profit.
Black people who are conservative know that in order to be successful you must spew racism against black people in order to elevate yourself. she mentions the 93% of black crimes against black people are committed by other black people and ignore that 83% of crimes against white people are committed by other white people. People commit crimes with in the vicinity of where they live. And most people live close or near people who are like them. Most white people live around white people and most black people live around black people. It’s intra-racial crime.
I’ve been dealing with people both liberal and conservative who peddle falsehoods about black people using statistical trickery for a long while. The liberal usually acts concerned and caring while the conservative usually pushes negativity off of this premise they both achieve the same consequence of keeping false stereotypes about black people propped up in our mainstream media and political discourse.
When someone brings up the black on black crime or the 93% number. First ask them if they are aware of the stats of every other race and the rate they commit crime against their own. Usually they have no idea.
Ask them what is the total population of black people in the United States. The number is around 41 to 45 million. Ask them out of that 41 million how many of them make up this 93% statistic. The number will be very, very low. Which proves that the over whelming vast majority of black people are not committing crimes.
U.S. Census Population by Race
(Black People are 13.2% of the population. The total Population of the United States is 321, 418, 820. 13.2% of 321 million is 42 million. )
An example of how this work. The most common stat the racist peddler will use is the homicide number. They select that particular crime because the gross number is very high for intra-racial homicide among black people in respect of their total population numbers.
in 2013 the total number of Homicides where a black person killed a black person was 2,245
White on white homicide was at 3,005
So in the year 2013 out of 41 million black people only 2,245 were murdered by another black person. This is not accounting for someone who killed 4 or 5 at one time or someone who has killed multiple people. For the sake of this lets just assume it is one murder for each killer.
Out of 41 million Black Americans this is the percentage of them who committed a murder of another Black American.
Lets look at total arrests.
in the year 2013 there were 2,549,655 black people arrested. That’s including everything from Murder to Disorderly conduct.
FBI Total Arrests by Race 2013
The percentage of black people who were arrested out of 41 million is 6.21%
So about 94% of Black people were not arrested at all in the Year 2013.
These number get really tiny when you start crunching them for specific types of crime.
The other popular one you may encounter is the scary “violent crime” number. You may hear someone say black people account for 30% of all violent crime. What they should have said is 30% of violent crimes were committed by someone who is black. The entire race of black people did not collectively commit violent crime. As silly as that sounds there are people who erroneously associate this with the entire race.
The total number of Black people arrested for a violent crime in 2014 was 147,002.
Out of 41 million black people only .03% of them were arrested for Violent Crimes.
That means 99.97% of Black people were not arrested for any Violent Crimes in the Year 2014
FBI Total Arrests By Race 2014
Conclusion. Many people have a lack of critical thinking skills. Which is why most of the population including black people are led to believe falsehoods about the black population. But some people are smart enough to know better like Crystal Wright who suggests she is a free thinker and stereotype buster on her website. If she truly was would she have taken statistics out of context for the purpose of reinforcing false stereotypes about black people?
here is the segment from Fox News
Commentary where I copied this image from
Facebook discussion of this post here
Further Reading:
5 Facts that Shatter the Black On Black Crime Myth
The Trayvon Martin Killing and the Myth of Black on Black Crime
The Distorted Exaggeration of Black on Black Crime Ignores Much of Americans Criminality